Kids Logo Contest

Each season, local kids in the community are asked to design a logo for the South Street Farmers Market. The winning design will serve as the official market logo for the current season! Learn more about the contest below.


  • The contest is limited to kids in Hale County.

  • Only kids ages 8-10 are encouraged to submit an illustration. Please be honest and fair when participating in the contest.

  • All submissions must be drawn on the official logo contest sheet, which you can download and print using this link.

  • The deadline to submit a drawing is March 16.

  • Completed drawings should be mailed to the South Street Farmers Market at 1102 South Street, Greensboro, Alabama 36744.

  • The most important thing to remember is to have fun!


The first place winner’s design will serve as the official market logo for the current season. This design will be featured on all marketing material including flyers, bags, t-shirts, stickers and more! The top four winners will receive a gift card to the South Street Farmers Market along with a small prize. Additionally, the top four designs will be featured in The Greensboro Watchman along with some of our other favorite designs!


We’ve created a logo contest document for parents and guardians. Use this document as guidance when sharing the contest with kids. These are just general guidelines, so please use them however you see fit! For any questions regarding the South Street Farmers Market or the logo contest, please contact our market team directly at